I just had to report a Fedex driver for walking off and laughing at me. Wouldn’t even say anything to me, but when I told him this isn’t funny, he laughed, and said, “why?” He was bringing a pretty big package, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get it in, thankfully I was able to! If he would’ve brought it inside the door, I would’ve been able to get it the rest of the way into my storage. It’s one of those really long, really awkward packages, it’s almost as tall as me.

I had a test today.

Ya know, the test when women are supposed to get when they turn 40! Accept I put it off until I was 41. Why did I do that? Because I’m weird, that’s why! I had a friend go with me, and everything went fairly well.


Yeah I still need to set up some stuff here, I’ve gotten behind a bit, sleep is illuding me right now. Today I had a counseling appointment. We talked about a whole bunch of things! Everything from my mom to AI.
OK no, my mom is not AI, lol!!! Although she’s been prolificly yelling at me lately, maybe she’s getting it from GPT!!! I don’t think she actually is, but GPT would probably give her less overreactive responses than she’s been putting out the last couple months. Except yesterday, because when I talked to her then, she was fine.