Mom is home.

Dad called me earlier today to tell me she was released yesterday. He called just before I was leaving for my second doctor’s appointment of the week. The doctor’s appointment went well, accept for the fact that I thought I was going to get stranded there, because the doctor was running behind!

Counseling, and mom takes a trip to the hospital.

I had counseling today. We mostly talked about church, and how to get my transportation covered, so that I don’t have to pay for an Uber back and forth. On Sunday, I set up an Uber to go home, when the couple who took me home the weekend before, came and asked if I needed […]

First time at a new church!

I left my very old church back in December, because of issues with transportation and the current leadership. I did the church research thing for a couple weeks, and realized that I really liked the local calvary chappel church. I called, and asked to see if they had someone to give me a ride. I […]