Quick takes style post.

I haven’t done one of these in a really long while! Well, or ever on this blog lol. There used to be a meme called seven quick takes, where people would list seven random things every Friday. I participated a few times here and there, and I’ve been wanting to do a quick takes-style post […]

Stuff going on here lately.

I went to church yesterday! Because Uber has been a big problem here lately, and has been holding me at connecting to driver. My dad brought me to church. Oh, and also class was canceled last night, so I didn’t have to practice dealing with demons, thankfully. I’ll have to do it in a couple […]

Mom is home.

Dad called me earlier today to tell me she was released yesterday. He called just before I was leaving for my second doctor’s appointment of the week. The doctor’s appointment went well, accept for the fact that I thought I was going to get stranded there, because the doctor was running behind!

Counseling, and mom takes a trip to the hospital.

I had counseling today. We mostly talked about church, and how to get my transportation covered, so that I don’t have to pay for an Uber back and forth. On Sunday, I set up an Uber to go home, when the couple who took me home the weekend before, came and asked if I needed […]

First time at a new church!

I left my very old church back in December, because of issues with transportation and the current leadership. I did the church research thing for a couple weeks, and realized that I really liked the local calvary chappel church. I called, and asked to see if they had someone to give me a ride. I […]

Expect no service to save you!

OK warning, this blog post got rather ranty, and goes toward my reasoning of exactly why I would kind of like the internet of around 17 years ago back. I was thinking 2008, but Twitter was starting to become mainstream then, so nope! an article in the NYT says “no service will save us, and […]

FedEx is weird.

I just had to report a Fedex driver for walking off and laughing at me. Wouldn’t even say anything to me, but when I told him this isn’t funny, he laughed, and said, “why?” He was bringing a pretty big package, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get it in, thankfully I […]

I had a test today.

Ya know, the test when women are supposed to get when they turn 40! Accept I put it off until I was 41. Why did I do that? Because I’m weird, that’s why! I had a friend go with me, and everything went fairly well.


I’m on Suno, if anyone wants to follow me. I’ve had a bit of fun with it, but I’m not one of those that’s going to do it every day like some people on Mastodon! https://suno.com/@caseunwinder