J is for joyful, and jurnaling.
J is for joyful, and journaling.
I consider myself to be a ffairly joyful person most of the time. My favorite scripture verse is Philippians 4:4.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
This particular one was ESV. I really do enjoy dancing in worship during church! Yes, I go to that kind of church, hah! You’ll often find me doing some strange version of the twists, that probably looks like I just showed up from who knows what decade? I also used to sing in choir, both in elementary in middle school, so I do have some choir training. I would like to sing in one, if our church decides to get one going.
J is also for journaling. I probably put this last, because I really, really do want to do this, but I can’t seem to keep up with one. You would think, with all the questions I have lifted from various places, I’d have enough to keep me writing for quite a few years. I would say I probably do, but for some reason I just can’t seem to get on the journaling regularly thing. I think I need to remind myself more often to do so. I started medication reminders in my phone, and they seemed to have worked for me, so maybe a journaling reminder a couple times a week will get me writing. I don’t think I could do a daily one..