G is for Girl Scouts, Gymnastics.

G is for Girl Scouts, Gymnastics. Why both of those very random things? Well I think I was mostly thinking about cookies lol.
I did Brownies for like two years when I was a kid, which is a part of Girl Scouts. I don’t remember selling cookies myself though. I did however get to order some this year, because I finally decided to go look that up. I did have one ceremony when I was in the group. I was earning a badge, now I don’t remember what for.
G is also for Gymnastics. This is also something I did when I was a kid. It was a lot more fun hah. Well I enjoyed it! My sister apparently didn’t though, because she wanted to quit after like, a year. I definitely did not want to quit though.
I still follow Gymnastics from time-to-time, mostly around the Olympic trials, and the Olympics. I still follow Figure Skating that way as well. Mostly around the Olympic seasons.