Everyone on Mastodon, I have yet to pick an instance. Any recommendations? Twitter says they’re dropping external clients. I’ll still use it somewhat via the web interface and RSS, I wrote a post about that on my known blog, about how I’ll be tweeting like I did in 2007.

Cathy Russon, the producer of Law and Crime Network, the pool network operator of the Murdaugh case, did an interview for LA times. However I think the case draws more comparisons to the extremely famous 1995 case I revisited last summer, instead of the Durst case I followed in 2021. Although I thought this trial […]

Good morning everyone. I’m up early because I went to bed really, really early lol. I’m also up early to follow the case of SC V. Alex Murdaugh, which actually doesn’t start until 6:30 pacific, and it’s only almost 5. I’m still perplexed as to why Micro.blog didn’t import all my known posts when I […]

Well, I’m back.

well, I’m back here on micro.blog. My host is in the process of shutting down it’s servers. I got free hosting for a couple years, which was nice. I even ran a Miniflux instance for a while. That was a lot of fun. Wish I could still do that!! The service was a startup so […]