Celebrating today and yesterday!!
Yesterday we all found out that President Elect Trump has nominated Cash Patel for FBI director! OF course he has to get confirmed, and Christopher Ray, the current director must either serve out the rest of his term, or be fired by the President. However, Patel is something extraordinary! He says he would like to create a 24/7 declassification office! He says we still need to keep some things classified, though! Sure, I agree with that. Let’s not declassify everything!
This reminds me of a quote I heard in December 2010! It actually could’ve been 2011! The quote goes like this. “We have low fences around vast prairies of government secrets, when what we need are high fences around small graveyards of the real secrets.” This was testimony from Thomas Blanton, Director of the National Security archive at George Washingon University. The quote resurfaced during the Snowden revelations in 2013.
That phrase became associated with declassification for me, and it has stuck with me in some form through all these 14 years! However, memory fades with life, time, and age, and I couldn’t precisely remeber the words Blanton said so eloquently! I was able to find a source from 2013!
‘m worried that Cash Patel supports FISA! It wouldn’t surprise me, he has a a lot of experience with intelligence! However, just for me, I would like someone who wouldn’t support FISA reauthorization in 2026!